Linfoma difuso de células B rico en células T en un canino: reporte de caso

Was reported a diffuse large cell lymphoma, both B cell and rich in T cell, low-grade behavior multicenter, diagnosed by histopathological and immunohistochemical evaluation. In February 2016 in the veterinary clinic "Carlos Martinez H." University of Narino, Pasto, Colombia, entered a canine female, crossbreed, eight years old; owner reported the presence of two masses in neck, with decay, anorexia and weight loss. Was taken a sample fine-needle biopsy aspiration (FNA) of submandibular masses and popliteal lymph nodes, showing neoplastic proliferation of round cells of lymphoid feature, so the owner decided to perform euthanasia and necropsy. Were sampled for inclusion paraffin technique, and staining hematoxylin - eosin (H / E), further immunohistochemical antibodies to CD45, CD3 and CD79a DAKO® which were applied and were compared with hematoxylin-eosin finds. Findings belong to diffuse lymphoma diffuse of B-cell rich in low-grade T-cell with multicentric distribution with metastases in pancreas, liver, lung, small intestine, bone marrow and skin. In conclusion, use of immunohistochemically markers proves a useful tool for diagnosis of lymphoid neoplasms when the findings are correlated with clinical and histopathological evaluation.
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