High proper motion objects towards the inner Milky Way: characterisation of newly identified nearby stars from the VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea Survey

The census of the Solar neighbourhood is still incomplete, as demonstrated by recent discoveries of many objects within 5-10 pc from the Sun. The area around the mid-plane and bulge of the Milky Way presents the most difficulties in searches for such nearby objects, and is therefore deficient in the known population. This is largely due to high stellar densities encountered. Spectroscopic, photometric and kinematic characterization of these objects allows better understand the local mass function, the binary fraction, and provides new interesting targets for more detailed studies. We report the spectroscopic follow-up and characterisation of 12 bright high PM objects, identified from the VISTA Variables in Via Lactea survey (VVV). We used the 1.9-m telescope of the South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO) for low-resolution optical spectroscopy and spectral classification, and the MPG/ESP 2.2m telescope Fiber-fed Extended Range Optical Spectrograph (FEROS) high-resolution optical spectroscopy to obtain the radial and space velocities for three of them. Six of our objects have co-moving companions. We derived optical spectral types and photometric distances, and classified all of them as K and M dwarfs within 27-264 pc of the Sun. Finally, we found that one of the sources, VVV J141421.23-602326.1 (a co-moving companion of VVV J141420.55-602337.1), appears to be a rare massive white dwarf that maybe close to the ZZ Ceti instability strip. Many of the objects in our list are interesting targets for exoplanet searches.
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