Antibacterial Effect of Healozone in Caries Removal - A Literature Review

A trivalent, naturally occurring, odourless gas ozone is used in dentistry and medicine. Earlier the ozone was used in the treatment of inflammation, wound repair and abscess. Ozone has a good oxidative capacity when compared with chlorine and ozone exhibits antimicrobial properties against various bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoan. Heal ozone is a device which is used in killing of bacteria in the decayed part of the tooth. Ozone intrudes the cell wall of bacteria and destroys them. It's proven that at such a lower concentration it is capable of inactivating the bacterial species. The ozone is available in the form of gas, ozonated water and ozonated oil.The activity of ozone is highly appreciable when there is less organic debris left. It is also effective when sufficient quantity and time duration of ozone can also enhance its activity. Importantly it will not be efficiently acting if the concentration is less and when  the system has faults in producing it. Ozone plays a major role in removal of primary root carious lesion and in dentin bonding. It can also be used as a disinfecting agent before the placement of any restoration and any prosthesis. In the treatment of caries, ozone helps in removal of carious lesions and prevents the bacterial invasion further. Ozone is a painless, cheap minimal invasive procedure which has turned its attention towards caries removal. So this review will emphasize the importance of ozone and its application in removal of caries and in dentistry.
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