Women with PCOS with a History of Early Pregnancy Loss Show a Higher Risk of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

Background Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is quite common among women of reproductive age and can cause infertility and adverse pregnancy outcomes. Current studies on PCOS mainly focus on the effect of PCOS on pregnancy. So far, it remains unelucidated whether a history of infertility or early pregnancy loss (EPL) has differential effects on obstetric outcomes for PCOS women. Methods This is a retrospective case control study. Ninety-two Chinese PCOS patients with a history of EPL or infertility were recruited in our study. A total of 112 Chinese non-PCOS patients with a history of EPL or infertility were taken as control group. Measurements included anthropometric data, serum total testosterone, fasting and two-hour plasma glucose levels, and antral follicle count. After they got pregnant (naturally or via assisted reproductive technology), all obstetric outcomes were observed and analyzed. Results PCOS women with a history of EPL showed a much higher cesarean section (CS) rate than PCOS women with primary infertility. PCOS women with a history of EPL showed a much higher possibility of GDM (gestational diabetes mellitus) compared with PCOS women with primary infertility. PCOS women with a history of EPL showed a much higher possibility of GDM compared with non-PCOS women with a history of EPL. PCOS women with a history of EPL showed increased possibility of GDM as their BMI increased. When BMI is above 28, the incidence of GDM is significantly higher in PCOS women with a history of EPL compared with that in PCOS women with infertility. Conclusion Both a history of EPL and obesity are risk factors for GDM for PCOS women, and higher BMI indicates a higher possibility of GDM among PCOS women with a history of EPL. Timely intervention is in need for PCOS women with EPL and a higher BMI.
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