Detecting delayed intracranial hemorrhage with repeat head imaging in trauma patients on antithrombotics with no hemorrhage on the initial image: A retrospective chart review and meta-analysis

Abstract Background There is debate regarding routine repeat head computed tomography (CT) in blunt trauma patients on a pre-injury antithrombotic when the initial CT is negative for intracranial hemorrhage (ICH). Data sources Retrospective chart review and systematic literature review with meta-analysis. Conclusions In the chart review, 32.1% did not have a repeat head CT and 67.9% did. The delayed ICH incidence between those with and without a repeat head CT was similar (1.7% vs 0, p = .3101). The current study was combined with the identified 24 studies. Delayed ICH with or without routine repeat CT was similar between antiplatelet and anticoagulant categories (1.4% vs. 1.3%, p = .5322). Delayed ICH was lower for patients without routine repeat CT compared to those with routine repeat CT (0.8% vs 1.7%, p = .0008). For this patient population, repeat scans should be discretionary. Routine repeat CT may identify a larger proportion of minor delayed ICH.
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