Transvaginalna sakrospinalna kolpopeksija u rešavanju uterovaginalnog prolapsa i prolapsa vaginalnih zidova

Investigation has been performed upon 29 patients of average age of 62,7 years who have undergone sacrospinous colpopexy because of different degree of uterovaginal prolapse (26 patients) and vaginal vault prolapse (3 patients) after having abdominal or vaginal hysterectomy. In patients with uterovaginal prolapse, 23 of them have vaginal hysterectomy with high ligation of the enterocele sac, anterior et posterior vaginal repair and sacrospinous colpopexy, while 3 patients had conservation of uterus following previous reparation of vaginal walls and cervi- cosacrocolpopexy. Only in one patient we had intraoperative lession of the bladder with no other intraoperative complications so far.Aveage time duration of the operation was 112 minutes.All patients were scheduled to be seen at 4 weeks, 6 months and 12 months after operation and then yearly therafter.The mean follow-up period was 16,8 months (6-27). We have achieved satisfactory results in 25 patients while 4 patients have bladder instability, 3 patients suffered from urinary infection, 2 have febrile morbidity and 2 bottock pain. Sacrospinous colpopexy can be performed together with vaginal hysterectomy and anterior and posterior vaginal wall repair in patients with marked uterovaginal prolapse because of its high success in avoiding possible vault prolapse and low intra and post-operative complication rates.
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