Dorsal rhizotomy combined with anterior sacral root stimulation for neurogenic bladder

A spinal cord lesion (traumatic or not) above the sacral micturition center may induce hyperreflexia of the detrusor, spasticity of the sphincter and vesico-sphincter dyssynergia. Eventually, alterations in the upper urinary tract can be associated with increased mortality in this patient population. Sacral rhizotomies combined with implantation of an anterior sacral root stimulator appear to be an effective method not only for the treatment of voiding dysfunction but also for defecation and sexual disorders. The clinical and electrophysiological checks and the surgical technique are described. In most series, the results show a constant improvement in the patient’s functional status. Ninety percent of patients gain satisfactory continence and no longer require an incontinence appliance. Bladder capacity and compliance increase dramatically. As a consequence, urinary infection rate decreases. The majority of patients remain dry, and more than 80% have a complete voiding or a post-void residue of less than 50 ml and do not require any catheterization.
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