Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate: A short-term repeated inhalation toxicity study including fertility assessment

Abstract In a study of the 28-day inhalation toxicity of di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) aerosols, 9-wk-old Wistar rats, 27 males (mean weight 226 g) and 17 females (mean weight 155 g) per group, were exposed in head-nose inhalation systems to DEHP aerosols of respirable particle size (mass median aerodynamic diameter ⩽ 1.2 μ m) or air (controls). Exposure for 6 hr per day, 5 days per wk for 4 wk to target concentrations of 0, 0.01, 0.05 and 1.0 mg/litre gave estimated doses of 230, 11 and 2.3 mg/kg/day for the males, and 360, 18 and 3.6 mg/kg/day for females, on the assumption of 100% deposition and absorption. Clinical investigation and blood chemistry parameters did not reveal any treatment-related effects. At the end of exposure a statistically significant (16%) increase in relative lung weights, accompanied by increased foam-cell proliferation and thickening of the alveolar septi, was found in the males of the highest dose group. Absolute liver weights were significantly (8.75%) increased in females and relative liver weights were increased in both sexes in the highest dose group, but there were no corresponding histological effects. All these effects were reversed during the 8-wk post-exposure period. No testicular toxicity was observed histologically and no impact on mating performance and male fertility was detected after two matings of treated males with untreated females, 2 and 6 wk after the end of exposure. Electron microscopic examination of liver samples from two male and two female rats per group at the end of exposure and after the 8-wk post-exposure period did not reveal clear substructural changes that could be attributed to exposure or to peroxisome proliferation. The no-observed-effect level for all exposure-related findings was 0.05 mg/litre under the conditions used.
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