The Function and Regulatory Network of Pax9 Gene in Palate Development

Cleft palate, a common congenital deformity, can arise from disruptions in any stage of palatogenesis, including palatal shelf growth, elevation, adhesion, and fusion. Paired box gene 9 (Pax9) is recognized as a vital regulator of palatogenesis with great relevance to cleft palate in humans and mice. Pax9-deficient murine palatal shelves displayed deficient elongation, postponed elevation, failed contact, and fusion. Pax9 is expressed in epithelium and mesenchyme, exhibiting a dynamic expression pattern that changes according to the proceeding of palatogenesis. Recent studies highlighted the Pax9-related genetic interactions and their critical roles during palatogenesis. During palate growth, PAX9 interacts with numerous molecules and members of pathways (e.g., OSR2, FGF10, SHOS2, MSX1, BARX1, TGFβ3, LDB1, BMP, WNT β-catenin dependent, and EDA) in the mesenchyme and functions as a key mediator in epithelial-mesenchymal communications with FGF8, TBX1, and the SHH pathway. During palate elevation, PAX9 is h...
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