Prévalence du Reflux Gastro-Œsophagien chez les Patients Asthmatiques Suivis à l’Hôpital d’Instruction des Armées Omar Bongo Ondimba de Libreville

RESUME severite de la maladie asthmatique comme le confirme notre travail. Parmi 334 patients asthmatiques, le RGO etait retrouve dans 24,9% des cas. On notait une predominance feminine chez les patients ayant un asthme associe au RGO (61 femmes contre 22 hommes) soit un rapport de feminite de 2,8. L’âge moyen etait de 47 ans avec un ecart type de 17 ans .55% des patients etaient sans emploi. L’asthme etait associe a une rhinite allergique dans 47%, a une hypertension arterielle dans 19,3% et a obesite dans 16,9%. Le pyrosis, les sibilants, la toux et l’oppression thoracique etaient les symptomes predominants. 26 patients avaient un asthme intermittent, 32 patients un asthme persistant leger, 22 patients un asthme persistant modere et 3 patients un asthme persistant severe. L’œsophagite peptique grade 0 etait observee chez 53% des patients, le grade A chez 22,9% des patients, le grade B chez 15,7% des patients et le grade C chez 8,4% des patients. Les patients ayant le RGO avaient un asthme tres severe. ABSTRACT Abstract : Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a factor triggering asthma attacks which also have an impact on the control and severity of asthmatic disease as confirmed by our work. Among 334 asthmatic patients, GERD was found in 24.9% of cases. A female predominance was noted in patients with asthma associated with GERD (61 women versus 22 men), ie a femininity ratio of 2.8. The average age was 47 years with a standard deviation of 17 years. 55% of the patients were unemployed. Asthma was associated with allergic rhinitis in 47%, high blood pressure in 19.3% and obesity in 16.9%. Heartburn, wheezing, coughing, and chest tightness were the predominant symptoms. 26 patients had intermittent asthma, 32 patients had mild persistent asthma, 22 patients had moderate persistent asthma and 3 patients had severe persistent asthma. Grade 0 peptic esophagitis was observed in 53% of patients, grade A in 22.9% of patients, grade B in 15.7% of patients and grade C in 8.4% of patients. Patients with GERD had very severe asthma.
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