Remote monitoring of cardiovascular implantable electronic devices in France. The French Electra survey

Goal To evaluate routine Remote Monitoring (RM) of Cardiovascular Implantable Device (CID). Method A multiple choice questionnaire was e-mailed to 100 French physicians Implanters of CID in November 2017. Results A total of 73 answers were obtained (73%). Seventy five percent work in a public center, twenty three percent in a private center. The rate of Internal Cardiac Defibrillator implantation (ICD)/year per center is > 100 for 63%, 50–100 for 24,7%,  1000 (9.6%), 500–1000 (27.4%), 200–500 (41.1%), Conclusion Remote monitoring of CID is a current practice in France especially for ICD follow up. Collaboration with paramedical staff is partial. Patients are informed but not systematically. Data are archived but partially. Absence of funding may explain incomplete and heterogeneous RM activity in France.
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