Tracheal and bronchial obstruction following cyanoacrylate aspiration in a toddler

Introduction. Cyanoacrylates are a common class of household substances used as adhesives and are commonly sold under brand names such as Super Glue®, Krazy Glue®, and others. We are reporting a case of accidental cyanoacrylate adhesive aspiration by a toddler complicated by tracheal and bronchial obstruction. Case Report. A toddler ingested a low-viscosity cyanoacrylate product and developed a severe, persistent cough. Initial vital signs, oxygen saturation, lung sounds, and chest radiograph were unremarkable. Rigid bronchoscopy was performed and several pieces of glue were removed from both main stem bronchi. The child made a full recovery after a 10-day hospital stay. Discussion. Cyanoacrylate ester polymers are hard, glassy resins that exhibit excellent adhesion to a variety of materials. Aspiration of these products is a poorly described clinical entity. Conclusion. The low viscosity of cyanoacrylate adhesive formulations makes aspiration of these products a rare but potentially life-threatening expo...
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