One kind of jumbo beams anteroposterior propulsion followup mechanism

The present invention discloses a mechanism for advancing the anteroposterior follower beam drill rig, comprising: a seat main arm, the main arm, connecting rod, slide, feeding beam and a main boom cylinder, arm base mounted in the main drill rig the front of the rack, one end of the main arm articulated seat main arm, the other end of the carriage is hinged, articulated main arm cylinder, connecting rod hinged at one end in a seat between the main arm and the main arm holder main arm, the other end of the slide hinged seat, feeding beam mounted on a carriage, the seat main arm, the main arm, the carriage and a link mechanism composed of a parallelogram, feeding beam anteroposterior follower means such drill rig to ensure that advancing movement of the beam process with respect to the main arm seat angle is not changed, positioning drilling save time and increase the drilling speed positioning.
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