Consumption and Cooking Patterns of Chicken Meat in Hyderabad District

4 Abstract: In order to ascertain the consumption and cooking patterns of chicken meat in Hyderabad district, a survey based study was carried out during, 2006-2007. The sample size of 200 was comprised of 180 male and 20 female respondents having education from primary level to graduation, mostly married and all the respondents employed in public (40%) or private sector (60%) along with low monthly income in th e range of 1000-10000 rupees (68%). The 85% respondents liked to purchase broiler meat, while only 15% respondents showed their liking in meat of desi hen (indigenous poultry breed). 38% respondents consumed once a week, while 36% consumed monthly. 73% respondents purchased upto 1 kilogram, while 15% purchased 1-1.5kg. 68% respondents were having current knowledge of nutritive value and 32% respondents did not showed their knowledge over the nutritive value of commercial poultry meat. It was noted that at 74% told that their wives were responsible for cooking, 11% their daughters and 8% thei r mother/sister. 47% liked to cooked and consumed fried chicken, while 33.00% preferred to cook chicken curry, 20.% liked to prepare broast, 72% liked whole chicken, 18% showed their liking for breast meat and only 10% respondents expressed their liking towards leg meat. While enquiring the respondents whether they consumed meat during out break of diseases especially in bird flu disease, 58% respondents responded positively and told that they feel no hesitation in consuming meat during outbreak of diseases. 72% respondents enhanced their consumption in winter season and remaining 36% respondents commented that they did not enhance their consumption. 86% respondents responded optimistically and perceived that the meat is consumed normally at their homes in summer season. The respondents were asked to express consumption of meat in case of increased prices and 61% respondents had positive response and 37% showed negative response to this aspect. 70% respondents preferred first to eat chicken meat, 15% had choice of fish and 10% showed preference for beef/mutton, while only 5% expressed their preference for vegetables.
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