Variability and limitations in home-based exercise program descriptions in oncology: a scoping review.

BACKGROUND: The literature reflects considerable heterogeneity in what constitutes home-based exercise interventions. The variability for where and what "home-based" exercise can represent challenges interpretation of findings and appropriate advocacy, referral, or development of these models of care. Therefore, the objective of this review was to provide a comprehensive summary of how home-based exercise is defined and reported in the literature and summarize the range of supportive elements utilized in home-based exercise trials. METHODS: We followed methodology for scoping reviews. Relevant research databases were searched from inception to March 2019. Two reviewers independently screened articles to determine eligibility and extracted terminology used to describe home-based exercise and intervention details for intervention delivery. RESULTS: Of the 9432 records identified, 229 articles met inclusion criteria. Across the literature, exercise interventions were described as home-based if they were completed at-home, outdoors in the neighbourhood, and in community facilities; or in self-selected environments; or if they were unsupervised. Supportive elements for home-based models ranged with respect to the amount of supervision and resources utilized, including the provision of print materials, exercise equipment, telephone support, home visits, and technology. CONCLUSIONS: This review provides a comprehensive summary of strategies previously utilized to deliver home-based exercise interventions in oncology, along with the various definitions of the home-based environment for exercise reported by researchers. Specific recommendations to improve the prescription and reporting of home-based exercise interventions are provided in order to facilitate the delivery, evaluation, and translation of findings into clinical practice.
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