The Aberrant Glycogenesis in the Hippocampus of Schizophrenia

Thirty‐ ■ve human braill tissues(7 schizophrenia cases and 28 control subiects v/ith or v「 ithout brain disOrders)vrere investigated ill the hippocampal formation using lectin― histochelllistry The lectill staillillg revealed three types of carbOhydrate deposits,ie,tv「 O amorphous type and one spherical tl pe in the hippocampal fornlatiOn of patients、 「ith brain disOrder Although the spherical depositions iヽ ere nloderately stained and、「ere found scattcred ill thc hippOcampal formation from patients vvrith Alzheilller type denlentia, Doぃ √n's syndronle and aged individuals, a largc nunlber Of lectin― positive deposits、ァere observed only in the n101ecular layer Of the dentate gyrus of the hippOcampal formation frolll patients 、「ith the clinical diagnosis Of schizOphrenia ■ ` hey may result froln the aberrant glゝ cOgencsis at the deve10pnlent and be of practical use in the postmOrtem diagnOsis of psychiatric disorders Key wordsi hippOcampal formation,lectin― histOchernistry,GSI― B4,UEA I,DBA,CD15,schizo‐ phrellla
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