Detektion von Prostatakarzinomen mit T1-gewichteter Kontrastmittel-unterstützter dynamischer MRT: Wertigkeit des Zweikompartimentemodells : Prostate cancer

Aim. The suitability of dynamic parameters of the two-compartment model for detecting prostate carcinomas and its correlation with tumor microvascular density were evaluated. Methods. The study included 43 patients with biopsy-proven prostate carcinoma: 28 were examined by 1.0-T MRI(Turbo-FLASH) and 15 by 1.5-T MRI (FLASH) with infusion of 0.1 mmol/kg Gd-DTPA. Signal time curves were parametrized with an open two-compartment model in amplitude and exchange rate constants (k ep ). The microvascular density of resected prostate carcinomas was determined. Results. The microvascular density in the tumors was significantly higher than in the adjacent healthy prostate tissue and correlated in both sequences with k ep . Prostate carcinomas of the peripheral zone were demarcated by amplitude and k ep . In the Turbo-FLASH sequence there was a significant difference between the tumor tissue and healthy peripheral zone in terms of k ep and in the FLASH sequence in terms of amplitude. Conclusion. Prostate carcinomas can be visualized with dynamicT1-weighted MR sequences using a two-compartment model. Moreover,the parameter k ep reveals the microvascular density in the tumor and can thus provide valuable clinical information for characterizing the tumors.
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