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A welcome from the new editor.

Welcome to the first edition of Current Therapeutic Research (CTR) that I have compiled since taking over the reins as Editor. This is an exciting time for everybody working on CTR because over the next year we will take the opportunity to revamp the format, content, and access to CTR so that it can function in a style that we hope befits modern thinking and technology. The most important aspect of a journal is its content. Content is what makes people want to read a journal and submit articles to it. With the many journals available today, what will make CTR special? We want to make people think outside of their own areas of expertise. We want to encourage new ideas and debates on hot topics. We want to be of service to the research community. How will we do this? While maintaining the Review and Original Research sections, we will be encouraging and inviting cross-specialty reviews and articles. For example, my background is with the central nervous system, in particular, cognition. Many common medical conditions have cognitive consequences, so I will be asking colleagues for reviews that document these and how they may be used to measure other useful treatment outcomes. I will be approaching our editorial board and the readers to suggest similar interfaces in their own fields. I also know that systematic reviews are heavily weighted by positive studies, whereas negative studies and gray literature are notoriously difficult to find. While not wanting this to become a main focus, we will encourage submission of negative studies and short articles and research letters to help ensure that all data have the chance to be published in a usable form. CTR is a journal for everybody, from the first-year student to the emeritus professor, so please use it. I also want to build a Letters section to foster debate and ideas. This will include peer-reviewed research letters, as well as opinion pieces and critiques. To stimulate this, for the next edition, I will be asking members of the editorial board to submit a “hot topic” piece from their fields to accompany each edition's Editorial. My hope is this will make CTR current and relevant, and the place to ask questions and find answers. These are laudable ambitions, but we must aim high. Nothing will be achieved without good content, and we can improve on that only with the help and recommendations of the readers. I hope you enjoy this edition, and will stay with CTR on its journey over the next years' issues.
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