Revascularization of the forelimb in dogs

: Revascularization of the forearm was performed on six mature dogs of a different race. Arteria mediana was cut 2 cm above the fork of the arteria radialis and later sutured with a nonresorptive monofilament thread/Ethilonr/7-0 and 8-0 in diameter. The same process was repeated on the cefalica vein. Arteriographies were performed on the operated extremities, pre-operatively, immediately after operation and while an animal being sacrificed. The subjects were sacrificed six months after the operation. Then microscopic and histological analyses were carried out to assess the quality of the blood vessels at the suturing place. At the place of the blood vessels reconstruction, lumen did not get narrower which indicated that all the vessels were in a perfect functional condition. In a number of dogs a higher collagenic proliferation was noticed, in the vicinity of the blood vessels sutured. In the regenerative process of the arterial wall tunica mediana almost took a predominant position, like in the intact arteria. All the three strata were present with no relevant deviations in structure. In the cefalica vein the regeneration of the connective tissue support of the smooth muscles cells was insufficient. Based on the analysis of the results obtained it might be concluded that after revascularization of the forearm of the dog the regeneration of the blood vessels made the segment functionally capable with the structure not different from the normal one which existed in the blood vessels of the same part of the body.
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