Partial heterotopic and total orthotopic transplantation of the liver in dogs

: From 1983 to 1988 on the Department for Experimental Surgery 20 preservations of the liver has been done, with ice cold Euro- Collins and Ringer solutions, either with in situ or with on banch technique after fast expantation. On five dogs standard 55% left hepatectomy has been done and the right side preserved in situ. Partial heterotopic liver transplantation to the right iliac fossa was performed on five dogs. Total vascular exclusion of the liver and extracorporal inierior vena cava and jugular vein by pass with assisted circulation was performed on one dog, without assistance on four dogs. Total orthotopic liver transplantation was performed on two dogs. The surgical team practiced the technique of liver transplantation in experiment and liver resection with in situ technique and on banch technique.
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