Sentral Sinir Sistemi Hücrelerinin Steroid Reseptör Sisteminin İncelenmesi

To investigate the mechanism of the effect of dexamethasone on normal and tumour cells, which is very important to threat the centrai nervous system pathologies especially tumours, cell cultures which prepared from eight different tissue speciments, were used. In the first step of the research, the ideal incubation period and temperature for interaction between the cells and dexamethasone have been investigated. And it was seen that the interaction was more healtier at 4°C and for 14 hours incubation. In the second step of the research, 0,02 -0,24 ugr/ml radio-ac-tiuated dexamethasone and 12 ugr/ml dexamethasone simultaneously added to tha cell cultures and saturation curues were drawn. The results showed that normal cells and low grade astrocytomas had only one type saturable specific steroid receptors and high grade astrocytomas and meningiomas had fewer spesific steroid receptors. Santral sinir sistemi patolojilerinde ve ozellikle tumorlerinde genisce kullanim alani olan deksametazonun normal hucre ve tumor hucreleri uzerine etki mekanizmasini belirlemek maksadiyla 8 degisik doku orneginden hazirlanan hucre kulturu kullanilmistir. Iki asamada yapilan deneylerin ilk asamasinda hucrelerin deksametazonla interaksiyona girmesi icin gerekli inkubasyon suresi ve ortam sicakligi belirlenmistir. 4°C da 14 saat inkube edilen hucrelerin deksametazonla daha saglikli bir birlesme gosterdikleri ortaya cikmistir. Ikinci asamada hucreler uzerine 0,02 ugr/ml 0,24 ugr/ml radyoaktif isaretli deksametazon ve hucrelerin saturasyon egrisi elde edilmistir. Sonuclara gore normal ve dusuk gradeli astrositomalarda doyurulabilir tek tip spesifik steroid reseptoru bulunmustur. Yuksek gradeli astrositomalar ve meningiomda ise spesifik steroid reseptor miktari azalmis olarak tesbit edilmistir.
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