Handbook of pediatric psychology in school settings

Contents: Preface. R. Brown, Introduction: Changes in the Provision of Health Care to Children and Adolescents. Part I: Background. D. Drotar, T. Palermo, C. Barry, Collaboration With Schools: Models and Methods in Pediatric Psychology and Pediatrics. T.J. Power, J. Blom-Hoffman, The School as a Venue for Managing and Preventing Health Problems: Opportunities and Challenges. E.S. Shapiro, P.H. Manz, Collaborating With Schools in the Provision of Pediatric Psychological Services. Part II: Prevention and Health Promotion. M.C. Roberts, K.J. Brown, R. Boles, J.O. Mashunkashey, Prevention of Injuries: Concepts and Interventions for Pediatric Psychology in the Schools. B.F. Fuemmeler, Promotion of Health Behaviors. B.K. Nastasi, Promotion of Mental Health. S.J. Simonian, K.J. Tarnowski, Early Identification of Physical and Psychological Disorders in the School Setting. K.L. Lemanek, Adherence. Part III: Diseases Encountered in School Settings. R.D. Annett, Asthma. D. Young-Hyman, Diabetes and the School Age Child and Adolescent: Facilitating Good Glycemic Control and Quality of Life. R.A. Smith, S.C. Martin, P.L. Wolters, Pediatric and Adolescent HIV/AIDS. J. Williams, Seizure Disorders. M.J. Bonner, K.K. Hardy, E. Ezell, R. Ware, Hematological Disorders: Sickle Cell Disease and Hemophilia. F.D. Armstrong, B.G. Briery, Childhood Cancer and the School. D.R. DeMaso, Pediatric Heart Disease. L.S. Walker, W.S. Johnson, Recurrent Abdominal Pain and Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders in the School Setting. L. Ewing-Cobbs, D.R. Bloom, Traumatic Brain Injury: Neuropsychological, Psychiatric, and Educational Issues. A.L. Quittner, A.C. Modi, A.L. Roux, Psychosocial Challenges and Clinical Interventions for Children and Adolescents With Cystic Fibrosis: A Developmental Approach. Part IV: Developmental Disorders and Conditions. L. Phelps, Genetic Disorders in Children. J.A. Kable, C.D. Coles, Teratology of Alcohol: Implications for School Settings. W.E. Pelham, Jr., D.A. Waschbusch, Assessment and Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in Schools. J.M. Campbell, S.B. Morgan, J.N. Jackson, Autism Spectrum Disorders and Mental Retardation. R.F. Hanson, D.W. Smith, A.E. Fricker-Elhai, School-Related Issues in Child Abuse and Neglect. E.R. Christopherson, P.C. Friman, Elimination Disorders. Part V: Health Issues Related to Development. G.P. Aylward, Neonatology and Prematurity. J.L. Wallender, K.M. Eggert, K.K. Gilbert, Adolescent Health-Related Issues. Part VI: Interventions Within School Settings. T.R. Kratochwill, E. Cowell, K. Feeney, L.H. Sannetti, Behavioral Approaches to Intervention in Educational Settings. K.C. Stoiber, G.A. Waas, Group and Psychoeducational Approaches. G.J. DuPaul, J.M. Coniglio, M.R. Nebrig, Pharmacological Approaches. S.M. Sheridan, R.J. Cowan, Consultation With School Personnel. C. Carlson, T. Kubisan, L. Guli, Consultation With Caregivers and Families. A. Madan-Swain, E.R. Katz, J. LaGory, School and Social Reintegration Following a Serious Illness or Injury. Part VII: Special Topics. A.M. LaGreca, K.J. Bearman, H. Moore, Peer Relations. J.R. Rodrigue, R. Gonzalez-Peralta, M.R. Langham, Jr., Solid Organ Transplantation. Part VIII: Professional Issues. C. Lescano, W. Plante, A. Spirito, Training in the Delivery of Pediatric Psychology Services in School Systems. D.L. Anderson, L.A. Taylor, A. Boeving, Clinical Opportunities for the Pediatric Psychologist Within the School Setting. W.A. Rae, C.J. Fournier, Ethical and Legal Issues for Pediatric Psychology and School Psychology.
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