Initiatory markers of thrombinemia in patients with ischemic heart disease and coronary angioplasty

The search for initiatory thrombinemia markers in patients with ischemic heart disease (IHD) and coronary angioplasty is significant for preventing stenting restenosis/thrombosis. Objective — determination of initiatory markers of thrombinemia in patients with ischemic heart disease and coronary angioplasty. Functionally inactive forms of prothrombin (FIFP), soluble fibrin (sF), international normalized attitude, and activated partial thromboplastin time were found out in 92 patients (78 men and 14 women) with coronary angioplasty, of which 33 cases had a history with stent placental restenosis. Statistical processing was performed by methods of variation statistics and correlation analysis. FIFP, which were determined by the ratio of ecomulsion index/prothrombin index in this category of patients, is veraciously increased, as well as the level of sF. At the same time the patients with restenosis in the history had significantly higher concentration of sF than the patients without occlusion. It is established that activated partial thromboplastin time in patients with restenosis is reliably prolonged, which may be evidence of activation of the anticoagulation system in the initiatory stages of prethrombosis. Individually taken indices of ecomulsion index, prothrombin index, international normalized attitude, activated partial thromboplastin time, in the absence of the appointment of either direct or indirect anticoagulants, are not informative. A complex assessment of hemostasis is required to detect initiatory thrombinemia markers (ecomulsion index/prothrombin index, international normalized attitude, activated partial thromboplastin time, sF).
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