Cytologic Investigation of Thyroid Disease by Aspiration Biopsy

This is to report the results of cytologic investigation of tyroid disease by the aspiration biopsy. 504 cases of the thyroid diseases were investigated during the period of January, 1975 to September, 1976. The fine needle aspiration cytology are performed by the needle of 22 gauge. These Spedimens are stained by Papanicolau's and M-G-G stain.Our criteria for cytologic diagnosis of thyroid diseases are as follow.In the cases of subacute thyrooditis;1) Epitheloid cells in groups.2) Multinnuclear giant cell.3) Moderate proliferation of macrophages and lymphocytes.4) Neutrophiles.In cases of chronic thyroiditis;1) Hyperplasia of small follicular cells with many lymphoid cells.2) Oxyphilic changes of follicular cells, lymhoid cells, plasma cells and reticulum cells are seem.Important criteria on cytodiagnosis of the hyperthyroidism are established by Dr. Soderstrom of Sweden, as followes;1) Marked paravaculoar granulation units, nuclear rings are observed in smear by Giemsa' stain.2) Marginal vacuolization and large nuclei.In cases of hypothyroidism;1) Decrease of lymphoid cells compared with chronic thyroiditis.2) Fairly marked degneration of follicular cells and proliferation of stromal cells.In cases of adenomatous goiter;Degeneration of follicular cells with slight anisokaryosis and nuclear atypism, foamy cells are observed in small number.In cases of adenoma; Monomorphous neoplastic cells with follicular cytoplasma and and fairly marked acinar formation of uniform tumor cells without degeneration are seen.In cases of cystic goiter;Cystic fluid with numerous foamy cells (I type) and cystic flouid with follicular wall framents (II type) are seen.24 cases of malignant tumors of the thyroid.That is 14 cases of papillary adenocarcinoma, 5 cases of follicular adenocarcinoma, 3 cases of anaplastic carcinoma, 1 cases of squamous cell carcinoma and 1 cases of malignant lymphoma.
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