Orthodontics Diagnosis and Treatment Plans of Craniosynostosis Syndromes, Report of Three Cases

: Craniosynostosis is the result of premature fusion of one or more craniofacial sutures, in which the sutural involvement generally includes the cranial vault, cranial base, and midfacial skeletal structures. Principally, treatment of craniosynostosis syndrome is challengeable and difficult. It is essential to recognize these syndromes, their symptoms and all the therapeutic choices. Crouzon and Apert syndromes are prevalent craniosynostosis which are associated with midface deficiency, exophthalmus, skeletal class III, skull malformation and mandibular prognathism. According to the severity and type of the malocclusion found in these syndromes, there are treatment option including: Removable appliance, face mask therapy + palatal expansion, high Le Fort II surgery, segmental distraction, Le Fort III surgery and distraction ostegenesis. In the present article, we introduced diagnosis of these syndromes, their therapeutic choices and finally we also presented two craniosynostosis patients and discuss about diagnosis and treatment plan procedure of them.
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