Is Prophylactic Breast Radiotherapy Necessary in All Patients With Prostate Cancer and Gynecomastia and/or Breast Pain?

Purpose: We investigated the efficacy of prophylactic radiotherapy for gynecomastia/breast pain induced by 150 mg bicalutamide in a prospective, randomized, multi-institutional trial.Materials and Methods: After definitive treatment for localized prostate cancer 125 patients were randomized to 12 Gy radiotherapy before bicalutamide as prophylactic radiotherapy (53) or bicalutamide only for nonprophylactic radiotherapy (72). The incidence of gynecomastia, breast pain and tenderness, and discomfort perceived by the patients was assessed by physical examination and direct questioning at 3, 6 and 12 months of followup.Results: At the end of 12 months the gynecomastia rate was 15.8% in the prophylactic group and 50.8% in the nonprophylactic group (p <0.001). On patient evaluation the breast enlargement rate was 34.4%. The severity of breast pain and tenderness was not different between the groups. The breast pain rate was 36.4% and 49.2% by 12 months in the prophylactic and nonprophylactic groups, and the rate...
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