Заболеваемость населения Нижегородской области болезнями органов дыхания

Respiratory diseases are the most widely used class of diseases, which is a significant medical and social problem. Increasing incidence observed in most countries due to a variety of risk factors and the increase in life expectancy, increases the relevance of the study of the dynamics and structure of respiratory diseases in order to improve the forms and methods of care. The article is presented by a medical and statistical study of the dynamics of indicators of respiratory diseases in the Nizhny Novgorod region. The region has been an increase in this type of disease among all age groups. The increase of respiratory diseases is in the population over 18 years. So, for 10 years (2005 - 2014), the incidence has increased by almost a quarter - from 183.59 to 253.10 per 10 000 adults. According to 2014, the prevalence of respiratory diseases in the region amounted to 253.10 per 1000 adult population (Russian Federation, 2013 - 206.36), the incidence of the primary - 206.34 (in Russia - 158.16).
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