Association between buccal mucosa ridging and oral or occlusal status among older people

OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to evaluate the association between buccal mucosa ridging and oral or occlusal statuses among older people. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: This cross-sectional study examined 262 independent older people (mean age, 74.2 ± 5.9 years) who participated in the Kyoto Elderly Physical Fitness Measurement Research Project. The predictor variables were oral statuses (number of present teeth and torus palatinus, torus mandibularis, temporomandibular joint noise, clenching, or grinding) and oral functions (occlusal pressure, cheek pressure, oral diadochokinesis, and tongue pressure). The outcome variable was the buccal mucosa ridging status (presence or absence). Additional variables were age, sex, body mass index, grip strength, and wearing dentures. We compared these variables between participants with and without buccal mucosa ridging using a univariate analysis and multiple logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: Buccal mucosa ridging was present in 177 (67.6%) people. Multiple logistic regression analysis revealed a close association of buccal mucosa ridging with torus mandibularis, tooth clenching and grinding and occlusal pressure, and cheek pressure. CONCLUSIONS: Over 50% of the participants showed buccal mucosa ridging; this was significantly associated with higher cheek pressure, lower occlusal pressure, torus mandibularis, and tooth clenching and grinding.
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