Göğüs Duvarı Tümörlerinde Cerrahi Tedavi Deneyimlerimiz

Thoracic Wall Tumors; Our Surgical Treatment Experience The aim of the study is to discuss clinical features, the pathology, our experience and surgical approaches of the chest wall tumors. The patients who had been operated on chest wall tumors in our department between September 1998 - September 2002 were evaluated retrospectively. The number of patient was 15, eight male and seven female, the range of age was 15-69, meanly 45±4.8 years. Twenty surgical approaches were performed on 15 patients. The chest wall tumors were benign in 3 cases and malignant in 12 cases. Resection of sternum for 2 patients, soft tissue resections for 3 patients and chest wall resections for 10 patients were performed. Reconstructive approach was needed for 8 patients. Adjuvan therapy was applied for 7 patients. Treatment of the chest wall tumors can be provided successfully with surgical resection. The defects of the chest wall can be repaired by different reconstruction materials. Amac gogus duvari tumorlerinin klinik ozelliklerini, patolojilerini ve cerrahi tedavilerini ve deneyimlerimizi sunarak tartismaktir. Eylul 1998 - Eylul 2002 arasinda gogus duvari tumoru nedeniyle ameliyat edilen 15 hasta retrospektif olarak degerlendirildi. Hastalarin 8'i erkek ve 7'si kadin olup yas araligi 15-69, yas ortalamasi 45±4.8 idi. Onbes hastaya 20 ameliyat uygulandi. Olgularin 12'si malign, 3'u benign karakterliydi. Hastalarin 2'sine total sternum rezeksiyonu, 3'une yumusak doku rezeksizyonu, 10'una kot rezeksiyo-nu uygulandi. Sekiz hastada rekonstruksiyon gerekti. Yedi olguya adjuvan kemoterapi ve radyoterapi uygulandi. Gogus duvari tumorlerinin tedavisi cerrahi rezeksiyon ile basariyla saglanabilir. Gogus duvarindaki defektler cesitli rekonstruksiyon materyalleri ile onarilabilir.
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