Eye Involvement and Care during COVID – 19 Pandemic

The pandemic of COVID-19, named by World Health Organization (WHO) SARS –CoV-2, revealed a novel type of corona virus. Gradually, starting  from December 2019 in China, the data about the symptoms and systemic involvement started to be collected from medical centers all over the world. As far as now, it is known that the virus involves upper respiratory tract , lungs, kidneys, gastrointestinal system, coagulation system, brain and eye. In this review we present the clinical aspects of the eye and findings in patients hospitalized with severe condition as result of SARS-CoV-2 infection. There are reports of sporadic cases of people who presented conjunctivitis which is called "pink eye". According to different sources of information, the eye is involved in      COVid-19 pandemic in 1% - 3% of  cases actively involved.
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