A Pannon-tó jelentősebb relatív vízszintingadozásainak vizsgálata az Alföld ÉNy-i behordási területén = Significant relative lake-level fluctuations in the area of NW sediment input of the Hungarian Plain

A kutatas soran a pannoniai s.l. kepződmenyek integralt sztratigrafiai elemzeset vegeztuk a Duna-Tisza-kozen es a Kozep - Alfoldon. Celunk a jelentős szekvenciahatarokhoz kothető ősfoldrajzi valtozasok vizsgalata volt. Megallapitottuk, hogy a szekvenciahatarok kozul kettő jart komolyabb relativ vizszintingadozassal , a Pa-4 es a Pa-5. A Pa-4-hez kotődően a Kozep-Alfoldon azonositottuk es kiterkepeztuk a hatalmas bevagodott Alpar kanyonrendszert. Az egyes kanyonagak melysege a 700 m-t, szelessege a 8-10 km-t eleri, es tobb ag fut ossze a fővolgyben. A volgykitoltesek anyaga tobbnyire agyagos, legalso reszen athalmozott homokkőtestekkel. Pontositottuk az ősfoldrajzi kepre es a főbb szekvenciahatarokat kialakito tenyezőkre vonatkozo ismereteket. A ket fő szekvenciahataron bekovetkezett jelensegek, es a relativ vizszintingadozasok oka tektonikai eredetű. A vizsgalt terseg eszaki felen huzodik az ugynevezett Kozepmagyarorszagi Mobilis Ov, amelyet ket aljzati nagyszerkezeti egyseg, az ALCAPA es a Tisza, valamint a koztuk levő, az egykori oceani litoszferakhoz kapcsolodo kepződmenyek egymashoz viszonyitott helyzete, időnkenti kiujulo mozgasa alakitott. Ebben az instabil medencealjzattal biro zonaban tobb fazisban igen markans deformaciok ertek az uledekosszletet. 2D sullyedes- es hőtorteneti modellezest vegeztunk. A gyakorlati alkalmazasok tekinteteben vizsgalataink kiterjedtek a vizfoldtani, CH foldtani vonatkozasokra, de a CO2 foldalatti elhelyezese kerdeskorere is. | During the research the Late-Miocene – Pliocene formations in the Danube-Tisza Interfluve and the Central Hungarian Plain, dominated by sediment input from the NW direction, were investigated by integrated stratigraphy. Our goal was to define the paleogeographic changes connected to the main sequence boundaries. Two of them were found to bare considerable relative base level changes, the Pa-4 and Pa-5 SB. The giant Alpar canyon system were recognized and mapped throughout the area connected to SB Pa-4. The size of the individual canyons filled mainly by muds can reach 700 m depth and 8-10 km width in the neighbourhood of the trunk valley. The results refined our knowledge base concerning paleogeography and factors of base-level changes in the Pannonian Basin. As it became obvious that the main driving force was tectonics we continued the research with extended structural investigations of the area. Wrench tectonic control was combined with shortening features in the Mid-Hungarian Mobile Zone and the onset of inversion were appointed around the 3rd order SB Pa-4, continued through the Pliocene as well. 2D modelling of subsidence, thermal and maturity history was carried out. The results of the investigations were extended for hydrogeological and HC prospecting purposes. Also the possibilities of CO2 storage in deep aquifers were studied in the frame of the research project.
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