Demyelinating encephalopathy in adult onset Still's disease: Case report and review of the literatures

Adult onset Still’s disease (AOSD) is an immunologic disorder haracterized by high spiking fever, arthritis, evanescent rash, lymhadenopathy, myalgia and leukocytosis. Sometimes liver, lung, eart, gastrointestinal tract and central nerve system may be nvolved [1]. AOSD has been recognized as a specific systemic form f juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Cerebral involvement is not often ound. Symptoms such as high intracranial pressure, sudden onset f unconsciousness, and polyneuropathy have been reported in atients with AOSD [2,3]. Diagnosis is difficult since the clinical eatures are variable. Here we report a case with complication f demyelinating encephalopathy that developed rare neurologial features as headache, slight hemiparalysis and sudden onset of nconsciousness with tumor-like imagings on MRI. However, simlar symptoms and imaging findings in patients with adult onset till’s disease are not found in the literatures.
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