Dismenorrea por sindrome de herlyn-werner-wunderlich

espanolEl sindrome de Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich (HWW) constituye una rara anomalia congenita mulleriana caracterizada por la asociacion de utero didelfo, septum vaginal y agenesia renal homolateral. Presentamos el caso de una paciente de 48 anos de edad remitida por dismenorrea y que finalmente es diagnosticada de este sindrome. Durante el examen fisico se visualiza fondo de saco en cara lateral izquierda de la vagina, lo que seria compatible con una vagina rudimentaria. La resonancia magnetica confirma este hallazgo y muestra un utero didelfo bicollix asi como agenesia renal izquierda. Debido a la edad de la paciente y a la ausencia de deseo genesico se realiza histerectomia total con doble anexectomia. EnglishHerlyn-Werner-Wunderlich syndrome (HWW) is a rare Mullerian congenital abnormality. This syndrome is characterized by the association between didelphis uterus, obstructive vaginal septum, and homolateral renal agenesis. We report the case of a 48-year-old female who was diagnosed with this syndrome in the context of dysmenorrhea and pelvic pain. During physical examination, an orifice on the left lateral aspect of the vagina was visualized and it was compatible with a rudimentary vagina. Magnetic resonance confirmed this finding and showed a didelphis uterus and left renal agenesis. Due to the age of the patient and the absence of gestational desire, a total hysterectomy with double-annexectomy was performed.
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