The diagnostic value of fundus fluorescein angiography and B ultrasonic on retinopathy with the initial symptoms of vitreous hemorrhage

Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of fundus fluorescein angiography and ocular B ultrasound in the cases of the first symptom to vitreous hemorrhage.Methods Retrospective analysis of the clinical data of 121 cases and 121 eyes that were diagnosed with BRVO and retinal tears as the first symptom to vitreous hemorrhage by the FFA and ocular B ultrasound.Results In 121 cases,BRVO combined retinal neovascularization 76 cases,accounted for 62.81%,temporal BRVO 39 cases,accounted for 51.32%,infratemporal BRVO 12 cases,accounted for 15.79%,the nose on BRVO 17 patients,accounted for 22.37%,nose BRVO 8 cases,accounted for 10.53%.Size,ranging from the number of retinal neovascularizations was found in 76 cases by FFA.B ultrasound indicated that with the proliferation of film 10 cases,accotmted for 13.16%,with retinal detachment 7 cases,accounted for 9.21%,with vitreous detachment 19 cases accounted for 25%; diagnosis of retinal breaks in 45 cases,accounted for 37.19%,the temporal side temporal hole 29 cases,accounted for 64.45%,the infratemporal hole 11 cases,accounted for 24.45%,five cases of nasal accounted for 11.11%; the retinal breaks 29 cases,accounted for 64.45%,retinal detachment 10 cases,accounted for 22.22%.With vitreous detachment 33 cases,accounted for 73.33%,with the hole,the edge of a small blood vessel walls stained found by FFA 34 cases,accounted for 75.56%.Conclusions For the first symptom to vitreous hemorrhage,the diagnosis of fundus fluorescein angiography and ocular B ultrasound is able to more accurately determine the cause of vitreous hemorrhage and has important diagnostic value. Key words: Vitreous hemorrhage;  Etiology;  Diagnosis;  Fundus fluorescein angiography;  B ultrasound
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