A Literary Study on Pandu Vyadhi – The Most Prevalent Disease in India

Pandu is a Sanskrit word that means This disease is characterised by a generalised pallor in the body. Because of the similarity, it might be linked to contemporary illness anaemia. Pandu will be clarified by nearly all of our Acharyas. Through Ahara and Vihara, the Rasavaha and Raktavaha Srotas were largely engaged in the pathogenesis of Pandu. Humans' changing lifestyles play a significant impact in the emergence of many illnesses. Pandu is also one among them. Our poor eating habits and lifestyles create Ama, which then triggers Agnimandhya and finally Amayukta Ahara Rasa. Rasa Dhatu Utpatti is hampered, and Pandu appears. Aggravated Pitta is responsible for producing Posaka (nutrient part) from the Rasadhatu as a result of Rakta deficiency.
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