Impact of Psychiatric Hospitalization on Trust, Disclosure and Working Alliance with the Outpatient Psychiatric Provider: A Pilot Survey Study

Introduction  The relationship between inpatient psychiatric experience and subsequent outpatient psychiatric care remains highly understudied. We conducted a voluntary, anonymous, self-report, pilot survey study to explore the impact of current or recent psychiatric hospitalization on patients’ ability to trust their outpatient psychiatric providers, particularly with respect to the disclosure of symptoms such as suicidal thoughts. Methods  A survey was conducted in a psychiatry practice-based research network (PBRN) of six outpatient community psychiatry clinic sites within four regional agencies and at an adult inpatient psychiatry unit of a tertiary-care academic hospital in the Cleveland area. We asked patients to record characteristics of their hospitalization, perceived changes in attitudes, and complete a working alliance inventory. Sixty-two surveys were collected. Results  Most respondents had high working alliance scores with their outpatient providers and a low prevalence of coercive experiences during hospitalization. A minority (15%) experienced a reduction in trust with their outpatient provider. Nonetheless, a substantial percentage of respondents expressed a lower likelihood of disclosing various concerning psychiatric symptoms and behaviors to their outpatient provider. Thirty-six percent reported they are less likely to disclose thoughts of harming self. Percentages for subjects reporting a reduced likelihood of disclosing thoughts of harming others, hearing voices, not taking medications as prescribed, and substance use ranged from 21-29%. At the same time, there were also trust-enhancing effects: a substantial number of patients reported an increase in their ability to trust psychiatric providers and an increase in the likelihood of disclosure of psychiatric symptoms. Exploratory analyses revealed significant associations of gender, race, outpatient provider involvement in hospitalization, and involvement of police during admission with trust, disclosure, and working alliance. Conclusion  Even with a high therapeutic alliance and low perceived coercion during inpatient psychiatric hospitalization, the experience can lead to a disruption of trust and transparency with the outpatient psychiatrist in a considerable proportion of patients.
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