Assessment of Infection Control Measures at Primary Health Care Facilities in Egypt

BACKGROUND: Primary care facilities (primary health cares [PHCs]) in Egypt are public sector facilities and the issue of infection control (IC) in public sector facilities is important because public sector facilities are the only option available to most low-income groups, who constitute most of Egypt’s population. AIM: The aim of the study is to the assessment of IC measures in PHC by national and international assessment tools. STUDY DESIGN: Health system operation research, observational study. METHODOLOGY: Sample: 3 Egyptian PHCs, all health care providers (HCPs) in each facility were interviewed with a total number (55 doctors and 34 nurses). using a national assessment tool, interview questionnaire derived from the international assessment tool, and hand hygiene observation checklist. RESULTS: Although the availability of supplies, presence of administrative activities, and good infrastructure, items related to manpower practice (cleaning activities and procedures) had the lowest percent score (57.9% and 68.5%, respectively). Almost all doctors and nurses did not have a pre-employment tuberculin skin test. Hand hygiene compliance was very low among HCPs during the observation time (1.6% for doctors and 10% for nurses). CONCLUSION: The national IC assessment tool of PHC facilities in Egypt is well structured, but defective in the assessment of employee health activities related to IC. Tuberculin skin test as screening of tuberculosis for the HCPs is neither done pre-employment nor periodically. Despite the availability of supplies for hand hygiene practice and good IC knowledge, the compliance was very low during the observation time.
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