Preventing Ocular Trauma: national survey of eye injuries in female lacrosse players

Aims: To identify ocular trauma and the sentiments towards the implementation of protective eyewear in female English lacrosse. Methods: Two anonymous retrospective questionnaires were devised, one for women’s lacrosse coaches and players respectively. Surveys were undertaken either anonymously online or in person during national secondary school and university tournaments. Results: Surveys were collected from 648 players and 85 coaches. 157 players reported sustaining an eye injury, 13 of those had long-term adverse consequences on their vision. 46% of coaches and 24% of players, reported ocular injuries involving doctor based care, including specialist units. The majority of coaches (64%) and players (52%) would recommend the implementation of protective eyewear, into English lacrosse. Conclusion: Data collected from this study suggests that ocular injuries, including serious visual loss, occur during lacrosse. The mandatory adoption of ocular protection should be considered in England as a matter of urgency.
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