Can Young European Neurologists Comfortably Manage Patients With Traumatic Brain, Spine Or Nerve Injuries (TBI)? (P1.309)

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate motivation, knowledge and obstacles in treating patients with Traumatic Brain, Spine or Nerve Injury (TBI) among young European neurologists and propose how to improve the training. BACKGROUND: TBI is taking together hospitalization, outpatient care, rehabilitation and indirect medical costs (including loss of productivity) among the diseases with the highest annual costs (in USA 40 billion$). Despite the clinical and societal impact of TBI, young neurologists lack the opportunities for formal training in this neurological topic. DESIGN/METHODS: we included 163 neurologists (108 women, 66%) from 32 European and three Mediterranean countries. Survey consisted of fifteen questions testing both knowledge and exploring opinions; nine questions were multiple choices, the maximum score was 9 points. RESULTS: the mean age of the participants was 29.9 (SD 4.5) years. The majority were residents (40%) or consultants (36%) (up to 5 years of post-academic experience). They had at least one patient with traumatic brain, spine or peripheral nerve injury per week in their daily practice (42%). More than half (55%) didn’t have any formal training and 79% were certain that the diagnosis and treatment of TBI patients will improve, if neurologists become more involved. In practical test no one achieved 0 or 9 points. Four scored one and 17 achieved 7 (mean 4.6; SD 1.5). Eighty percent of participants felt that they don’t have enough knowledge to comfortably treat their patients. Almost all (98%) were willing to get more practical training mostly in form of teaching sessions (33%) or focused workshops (37%). CONCLUSIONS: our results clearly indicate that young European neurologists need and wish to improve their knowledge in the field of Neurotraumatology. Since little formal training exists, teaching sessions and focused workshops at (inter)national congresses may be a first step to improve education in this field. Disclosure: Dr. Rakusa has received personal compensation for activities with Pfizer Inc. as a speaker. Dr. Gak has nothing to disclose. Dr. Alekseenko has nothing to disclose. Dr. Ehler has nothing to disclose. Dr. Muresanu has nothing to disclose. Dr. Opara has nothing to disclose. Dr. Vos has nothing to disclose.
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