A Time to Talk about Technology – Discussion about Medical Technology with the ATIME Group at The Ottawa Hospital

ABSTRACT: In recent years, the use of technology in medicine has become increasingly common. Medical technology has the potential to introduce innovative solutions to clinical problems and supplement current methods of medical education. Advancements in Technology In Medical Education (ATIME) at The Ottawa Hospital is dedicated to discovering and sharing advances in technology with the medical community, as well as promoting the appreciation and use of technology in the next generation of physicians. RESUME: Au cours des dernieres annees, l’utilisation de la technologie en medecine est devenue de plus en plus commune. La technologie medicale a le potentiel d’introduire des solutions innovatrices a des problemes cliniques et de completer les methodes actuelles en education medicale. Advancements in Technology In Medical Education (ATIME) a L’Hopital d’Ottawa est dedie a la decouverte et au partage des progres en technologie avec la communaute medicale, ainsi que voue a la promotion de l’appreciation et de l’utilisation de la technologie dans la prochaine generation de medecins.
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