Genes diferencialmente expressos no transcriptoma de suínos normais e afetados com hérnia escrotal.

Resumo: A incidencia de hernias escrotais em suinos e preocupante para a industria suinicola devido a perdas economicas significativas e ao impacto negativo no bem-estar animal. As vias metabolicas e os genes envolvidos nessa patologia permanecem pouco conhecidos. Na tentativa de esclarecer os mecanismos geneticos envolvidos na ocorrencia da hernia escrotal em suinos, objetivou-se identificar os genes diferencialmente expressos entre suinos normais e afetados por essa anomalia, por meio da tecnologia de RNA-Seq. Foram utilizados 8 suinos da raca Landrace (4 normais e 4 com hernia escrotal). O sequenciamento do mRNA foi realizado em equipamento HiSeq 2500 da Illumina. Os genes diferencialmente expressos foram obtidos utilizando-se o pacote EdgeR, com base no False Discovery Rate (FDR≤ 0,05). Um total de 13.035 genes foi expresso no tecido herniario e nao herniario dos suinos, dos quais 644 foram diferencialmente expressos entre os suinos normais e afetados. Apos a analise de ontologia genica (GO), alguns genes candidatos foram prospectados. O conhecimento dos genes que controlam esse disturbio pode apoiar estrategias de melhoramento para a reducao dessa anomalia na producao de suinos. Abstract: The incidence of scrotal hernias in pigs is a concern to the pig industry due to the significant economic losses and the negative impact on welfare. The genetic pathways and genes involved in this pathology remain unknown. To better understand the genetic mechanisms involved in the occurrence of scrotal hernia in pigs, the aim of this study was to identify differentially expressed genes between normal and affected pigs with this anomaly, using RNA-Seq technology. In this study, Landrace pigs were used (4 normal and 4 with scrotal hernia). Sequencing of mRNA was performed in the Illumina HiSeq 2500 equipment. Differentially expressed genes were obtained using the EdgeR package, based on the False Discovery Rate (FDR≤0.05). A total of 13,035 genes were found to be expressed in the hernial and nonhernial tissue. From those, 644 differentially expressed genes were identified between normal and affected pigs. After gene ontology analyses, some candidate genes were prospected. The knowledge of the genes that control this disorder could support breeding strategies for reducing this anomaly in the pig production.
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