Kis molekulatömegű polipeptidek hatása a polimer glutenin polimerizációs fok szerinti eloszlására és a sikérkomplex reológiai sajátságaira = The effect of low molecular weight polypeptides on the polymerization degree distribution of polymeric glutenin

A buza sikeralkoto feherjeinek a bioszinteziset tanulmanyoztuk a buzaszem fejlődese soran a viragzastol szamitott 12. naptol kezdve a szemek teljes beereseig. Ot magyarorszagi termestesű buzafajtat vontunk be a kiserletbe es harom evjarat termesenek a vizsgalatara kerult sor. A buza termesztese reszben kiserleti gazdasagokban (Martonvasar, Monor) , reszben uzemi buzatermelőknel (Mezőterm, Lorev). Fontosabb megallapitasainkat a kovetkezőkben foglaljk ossze. Bar az egy szemre szamitott teljes feherjetartalom novekedeset altalaban szigmoid jellegű gorbe jellemzi, a termelesi felteelek hatasara jelentő elteresek lephetnek fel. Az egyes feherjek szintezisenek sorrendje es a transzlacio sebessege jelentősen valtozik. A metabolikusan aktiv feherjek szinteziset kovetően mar a korai fejlődesi szkszban megindul a sikeralkoto polpeptidek szintezise gliadinok, LMW, HMW peptidek sorrendben. A glutenin alegysegek polimerizacioja csak egy kritikus koncentracio eleres utan indul meg. A siker kialakulas megkezdődesenek meg tovabbi feltetele a glutenin meghatarozott atlagos polimerizacios fokanak az elerese. A sikeroldatok relativ viszkozitasanak a kovetese alkalmasnak bizonyult a polimerizacios folyamat koveteser. A vizsgalati adatok megerősiettek a glutenin polimer linearis jelleget. | The biosynthesis of gluten forming polypeptides was studied starting from 12-th day after anthesis till full ripeness of wheat kernels. Five wheat cultivars, grown in Hungary were used in experiments and three years crops were studied. The wheat was grown partly in experimental stations (Martonvasar, Monor) and partly in commercial wheat producing farms (Mezőterm, Lorev). The most important statements of research are the following ones: Although the total protein content (calculated on single kernel) may be characterized by a sigmoid curve, the growing conditions may sinificantly change its form. The sequence and rate of translation of individual proteins is diffrent. After synthesis of metabolically active proteins, even in early phase of kernel development starts the synthesis of gluten forming peptides, in an order: gliadins, LMW- and HMW polypeptides. The polymerization of glutenin subunits starts only after the concntraton of subunits reches a critical concentration. The prerequisite of gluten formation is n addition a critical average polymerization level of polymeric glutenin. The follow of the relative viscosity of gluten solution was suitable for the control of growing average polymerization degree of glutenin. The experimetal data of viscosity measurements and their evaluation confirmed the linear character of molecules of polymeric glutenin.
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