Comparative Study of the Mechanical Resistance of 2 Separate Plates and 2 Overlaid Plates Used in the Fixation of the Mandibular Condyle: An In Vitro Study

Purpose The objective of this study was to carry out a comparative evaluation of the mechanical resistance of 2 rigid internal fixation techniques for fractures of the mandibular condyle using miniplates. Materials and Methods Forty polyurethane resin replicas of human hemimandibles were used. The hemimandibles were sectioned to simulate a high subcondylar fracture and then stabilized with 2 fixing techniques using 2.0-mm system plates and screws. The fixation techniques were 2 separate 4-hole plates with 8 screws, and 2 overlaid 4-hole plates with 4 screws. Each system was submitted to load tests, with the application of the load in mediolateral and anteroposterior directions in an Instron 4411 universal assay machine (Instron, Norwood, MA). Results Load values and peak displacement were measured. Means and standard deviations were evaluated by analysis of variance ( P Conclusion The experimental model with 2 separate plates was statistically superior to the model with 2 overlaid plates only in relation to anteroposterior peak load. Despite showing superiority in mediolateral peak load and peak displacement, there was no statistical difference between the groups for these parameters.
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