Challenges and opportunities with CRISPR activation in bacteria for data-driven metabolic engineering

Creating CRISPR gene activation (CRISPRa) technologies in industrially promising bacteria could be transformative for accelerating data-driven metabolic engineering and strain design. CRISPRa has been widely used in eukaryotes, but applications in bacterial systems have remained limited. Recent work shows that multiple features of bacterial promoters impose stringent requirements on CRISPRa-mediated gene activation. However, by systematically defining rules for effective bacterial CRISPRa sites and developing new approaches for encoding complex functions in engineered guide RNAs, there are now clear routes to generalize synthetic gene regulation in bacteria. When combined with multi-omics data collection and machine learning, the full development of bacterial CRISPRa will dramatically improve the ability to rapidly engineer bacteria for bioproduction through accelerated design-build-test-learn cycles.
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