Hemşirelik Öğrencilerine Verilen İntravenöz Kateter Beceri Eğitiminde Hibrit Simülasyonun Etkisi: Pilot Çalışma

Amac: Bu calismanin amaci; senaryo temelli hibrit simulasyon egitiminin hemsirelik ogrencilerinde intravenoz kateter uygulama beceri ve tutumlarina etkisini belirlemektir. Gerec ve Yontem: Bu calisma, senaryo temelli hibrit simulasyon uygulamasini iceren yari deneysel bir calismadir. 121 ikinci sinif hemsirelik ogrencisi ile yurutulmustur. Arastirmanin veri toplama araclari “Periferal intravenoz Kateter Uygulama Beceri Kontrol Listesi” ve “Ogrenci Oz-etkililik ve Memnuniyet Anketi”nden olusmaktadir. Bulgular: Senaryo temelli hibrit simulasyon grubunda memnuniyet puani (22,93±2,63), geleneksel gruba gore (21,81±2,46) yuksek bulunmustur (z=-2.943, p=0.003). Gruplar arasinda klinik oncesi oz-etkililik, klinik sonrasi oz-etkililik, performans puanlari ve klinik sonrasi memnuniyet puanlari arasinda istatistiksel olarak fark yoktur (p>0. 05). Deney grubunda klinik uygulama sonrasi oz-etkililigin daha yuksek bir duzeyde (deney p=0.0001, z= -4.946; kontrol p=0.0001, z= -3.771) arttigi gorulmustur. Sonuc: Senaryo temelli hibrit simulasyon uygulamasi ogrencilerin memnuniyet ve ozetkililik tutumlarini artirmaktadir. Bu konuda klinik performans ve hasta etkilesiminin de degerlendirildigi deneysel calismalarin yapilmasi onerilmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Periferik intravenoz kateter, Hibrit simulasyon, Hemsirelik ogrencileri, Oz-etkililik, Psikomotor beceriler. Abstract Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of scenariobased hybrid simulation training on the skills and attitudes of intravenous catheter insertion in nursing students. Material and Method: This is a quasi-experimental study involving scenario-based hybrid simulation. The study conducted with 121 third semester nursing students. The data was collected with Peripheral Intravenous Catheter Practice Skill Checklist and Student Self-efficacy and Satisfaction Survey. Results: In the hybrid simulation group; satisfaction score (22,93±2,63) was higher than the traditional group (21,81±2,46) (z=-2,943, p=0.003). There was no statistically significant difference between pre-clinical self-efficacy, post-clinical self-efficacy, performance scores and post-clinical satisfaction scores among the groups (p>0.05). In the intravenous hybrid simulation group, post-clinical self-efficacy increased at a higher level (intervention p=0.0001, z=-4.946; control p=0.0001, z=-3.771). Conclusion: The scenario-based hybrid simulation increases the students’ satisfaction and self-efficacy attitudes. For researcher, experimental randomized controlled studies on clinical performance and patient interaction are recommended. Keywords: Peripheral intravenous catheter, hybrid simulation, nursing students, selfefficacy, psychomotor skills.
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