[Repair of right ureteral stenosis by traumatic injury with appendiceal interposition: a case report].

Abstract We report a repair of a right ureteral stenosis with the appendix as a ureteral substitute. A 20-year-old male suffered a traumatic injury in a motorcycle accident. He underwent an emergency operation for right hemothorax, intraabdominal hemorrhage, and bone fracture of right leg. Three weeks later, right hydronephrosis and urinoma were identified. Combined retrograde and antegrade pyelography demonstrated a severe 7 cm long stenosis in the right upper ureter. After an indwelling right nephrostomy catheter was placed, he returned to the hospital for a ureteral reconstruction. We planned to substitute the appendix to bridge the stenotic ureter. After transecting the appendix from the cecum, the mesoappendix was spatulated from mesoileum. Ureteral tissue was resected and appendix was interposed. Three weeks later, ureteral stent was removed. DTPA diuretic renogram scintigraphy demonstrated no evidence of obstruction five weeks later. Two years postoperatively, the patient was asymptomatic and his renal function was normal. Although only few cases of ureteral repair with appendix are known, uretero-appandix replacement is less invasive and complicated, and recommended in some cases.
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