Tres casos de tumores mamarios infrecuentes: adenomioepitelioma, miofibroblastoma schwannoma Three cases of uncommon breast tumors: adenomyoepithelioma, collagened myofibroblastoma and schwannoma

SUMMARY To show the nonespecific appearance of these rare breast tumors which cangelled us to perform an anatomopathologic study of the lesions. We report three cases of uncommon breast tumors found on routine screening analysing their mammographic and ultrasound features. Fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNA-C) and surgical biopsy were performed. All the cases we encountered were identified on screening mammography in asymptomatic middle aged patients. Mammographic findings were nodules or pseudonodules and surgical excisions of these lesions were performed to diagnose and treat them.The diagnosis were: an adenomyoepithelioma, a myofibroblastoma and a schwannoma. The mammography is useful to study breast pathology but sometimes the findings can’t support the diagnosis in spite of ultrasonographic confirmation. In these cases the surgical biopsy is imperative to diagnose the lesions. Palabras clave: Miofibroblastoma. Adenomioepitelioma. Schwannoma. Mama. Imagen.
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