New psychoactive substances in substantive evidence in expert practice of the Department of Forensic Medicine, UJCM in the years 2010–2015

AIM OF THE STUDY:: Aim of the study was to analyse of 2075 evidences containing new psychoactive substances (NPS). MATERIAL AND METHODS: The prepared samples were identified employing an analytical procedure where the analytes were investigated by gas chromatography-electron impact mass spectrometry (GC-EI-MS) using a created library of mass spectra. RESULTS: The analysis revealed the following substances in the investigated products: piperazine derivatives (including BZP, MPMP, TFMPP), cathinone derivatives (including: pentedrone, 3-MMC, butylone, 4-MEC), pyrovalerone derivatives (MDPV, naphyrone, α-PVP, α-PVT), synthetic cannabinoids (such as AM-2201, UR-144, XLR-11, JWH073, JWH081, PB-22, AB-CHMINACA). Research conducted in 2010-2015 made it possible to track changes in the composition of investigated preparations. WNIOSKI: Badania prowadzone w latach 2010–2015 wskazują na zmniejszającą sie liczbe skladnikow aktywnych w preparatach. Wykazano ponadto, ze wprowadzanie kolejnych nowelizacji ustawy o przeciwdzialaniu narkomanii wplywalo na eliminowanie z rynku kolejnych związkow i zastepowanie ich nowymi pochodnymi. Od 2011 r. na rynku nie obserwuje sie pochodnych piperazyny.
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