Posttraumatic intercostal pulmonary herniation - case report.

INTRODUCTION Pulmonary hernias are rare conditions, most are the results of an injury or previous thoracic surgery. CASE REPORT We present a case of a 48-year-old woman injured in a car accident. The examination in the trauma centre revealed a chest injury with herniation of the lung parenchyma into the chest wall and fractures of long bones of lower limbs. Initially, an osteosynthesis of the left femur and the right tibia fracture were performed. The patient underwent a subsequent surgery to repair the pulmonary hernia. CONCLUSION A pulmonary hernia is diagnosed either directly during a clinical examination or by imaging. A sovereign diagnostic method is a computed tomography. The method of treatment is a surgical repair with primary suture of the chest wall defect or implantation of a mesh to repair the pulmonary hernia.
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