Detection of peritoneal micrometastases by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction targeting carcinoembryonic antigen and cytokeratin 20 in colon cancer patients

Abstract Peritoneal recurrence after curative resection of malignant tumor with negative cytology is considered to be caused by microscopic dissemination of the exfoliated cancer cells from primary tumors to serosal surfaces at the time of operation, not detectable with conventional diagnostic tools. We applied the reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and cytokeratin 20 (CK 20) to detect micrometastatic foci in the peritoneal cavity of colon cancer patients. Cytological samples taken by peritoneal lavage from a series of 79 colon cancer patients were analyzed microscopically, for CEA levels, and by RT-PCR analysis using nested primers for CEA and CK 20. Cases with both CEA and CK 20 signals were defined as PCR-positive. This RT-PCR method proved both sensitive (1 tumor cell/10(6) non-tumor cells on preparation of serial colorectal cancer cell dilutions) and specific (no false positive results, 0/23 tested in our control experiment). Intraperitoneal micrometastatic cells were detected in peritoneal lavage 7.6% by cytology, 17.7% by CEA levels, and 24.1% by RT-PCR (significantly higher than by cytology: p=0.0046). RT-PCR detection rate increased in parallel with pathological depth of tumor invasion, and also a pathological stage-dependence was suggested according to the tumor-node-metastasis classification of the International Union Against Cancer. Our results suggest that CEA and CK 20 mRNA identification by RT-PCR appeared to be reliable and may be useful for early diagnosis in peritoneal dissemination of colon cancer.
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